Sick Leave Bank
The purpose of the sick bank is to provide leave for employees who experience disabling illness / injuries after their own leave has been exhausted.
Any full-time employee who has accumulated at least ten (10) days of sick leave may become a member of the sick leave bank by donating one (1) day of accumulated sick leave during the annual open enrollment period. For all employees who work eight (8) hours or more a day, a “day” is eight hours. For all employees who work less than eight (8) hours a day, a “day” is the normal number of hours worked in a day. For example, if an employee only works four (4) hours in a day, a day is four (4) hours.
Membership continues from year-to-year unless the employee requests termination of membership in writing during the annual open enrollment event
A sick leave bank shall be established and maintained from participating employees’ voluntary contributions of accumulated sick leave. The bank shall be developed consistent with the requirements of state law and pursuant to guidelines and procedures developed by the Superintendent or designee. Subject to the approval of the Superintendent, the sick leave bank committee may modify the sick leave bank. All participating employees shall make equal contributions to the sick leave bank and all decisions of the sick leave bank committee shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal to the Board of Education.
Sick Leave Bank Committee
The Sick Leave Bank Committee will be appointed by the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The Committee will at a minimum consist of the following: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or his/her designee, Chief Legal Counsel, FMLA Coordinator, and representatives from the Finance Department. A Central Office secretary appointed by the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources shall serve as secretary, but will not be a voting member of the committee.
The Committee will meet as often as required to consider applications and at least twice yearly. The Committee will be responsible for reviewing the operation of the sick leave bank, recommending changes in the policy and regulation, reviewing applications and rendering decisions on the disbursement of days approved. The Committee will be responsible for preparing an annual report for the Superintendent.
Eligibility for Sick Leave Bank Withdrawl
- Withdrawal from the sick leave bank may be approved for a personal illness or personal temporary disability that is catastrophic in nature. The following are examples of catastrophic illness: strokes or any major cerebrovascular rupture or aneurysm, cancer, organ transplant, heart surgery or cardiovascular rupture, heart attack, major trauma-accident where major bones are broken (back, hip, etc.) and brain or head trauma.
- The sick leave bank shall not be used for maternity leave unless the mother experiences personal illness and/or personal temporary disability that is catastrophic in nature.
- For the purpose of this policy, personal illness and/or personal disability does not include mental illness.
- The member has exhausted all means of salary replacement including accumulated sick leave, annual leave, personal leave and short-term disability.
- The member is not receiving workman’s compensation.
- No member shall be permitted to use the sick leave bank if the personal illness or personal temporary disability is related to an illegal activity (e.g., driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.)