MetLife is the Dental Carrier for Bibb County Schools. There is a single dental plan offered with enhanced benefits.
RATES – Effective January 1, 2024
Employee Only Semi Monthly |
Family Semi Monthly |
$15.00 | $43.72 |
RATES – Effective January 1, 2025
Employee Only Semi Monthly |
Family Semi Monthly |
$15.90 | $46.35 |
If both parents are employees, only one parent can cover unmarried children to age 26 and employees cannot be covered as both an employee and a dependent.
Summary including Exclusions and FAQ
Changes Effective January 1, 2024 are:
- Exams/Cleanings- 1 in 6 months vs 2 in 12 months
- Bitewing X-Rays- 1 in a year vs 2 in a year
- Full Mouth X-Rays – 1 in 5 years Basic vs 1 in 3 years Preventive
- Out of Network coverage will reduce to 80% Usual and Customary from 90% UCR
Other Plan Information
- Annual maximum is $1,500
- Preventive Care does not count toward the annual maximum
- Adult orthodontics has been added- $1,000 Lifetime Maximum
- Large Nationwide Network – PDP Plus
- Deductible Carryover (deductible paid in Oct-Dec will be credited to the following year)
(Archive: 2023 Summary of Benefits At A Glance)
MetLife Providers – PDP Plus Network
There are thousands of general dentists and specialists to choose from nationwide –so you are sure to find one that meets your needs. You can receive a list of these participating dentists online at www.metlife.com/mybenefits or call 1-800-438-6388 to have a list faxed or mailed to you.
You are always free to select the dentist of your choice. However, if you choose a non-participating dentist your out-of-pocket costs may be higher.
If your current dentist does not participate in the network and you would like to encourage him/her to apply, ask your dentist to visit http://www.metdental.com or call 1-866-PDP-NTWK for an application. NOTE: the website and phone number are for use by dental professionals only.
MetLife can help find a dentist outside of the U.S. if you are traveling
Through international dental travel assistance services* you can obtain a referral to a local dentist by calling +1-312-356-5970 (collect) when outside the U.S. to receive immediate care until you can see your dentist. Coverage will be considered under your out-of-network benefits.
** Please remember to hold on to all receipts to submit a dental claim.
Enter your ZIP Code for Pricing
Enroll in Program Now
enter HouzeDental referral code
Certificate of Coverage
Employee Certificate of Coverage – includes plan details and limitations
Employee Certificate of Coverage effective 1/1/2024
ID Cards – or Download the MetLife App
MetLife ID Cards are mailed to employees home address. You do not need a card for benefits; however, employees can register and print an ID card online through https://online.metlife.com/ (Search for Bibb County Public Schools) – REGISTER for your account first.
Employees can use the MetLife Mobile App – Search MetLife Dental from the APP Store