Attention Employees! Please watch the video regarding AIG 457B Plan automatic enrollment
As a school district employee, you are in the unique position of earning a pension upon retiring. This pension is either referred to as the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) or Public School Employee Retirement Plan (PSERS). While these are wonderful benefits, the pension amount is still not enough to ensure that your Golden Years are all you deserve them to be.
TRS/PSERS Education Video:
Public School Employees Retirement System
For employees in non-supervisory positions in Custodial, Maintenance, Nutrition and Transportation
Video Link:
Teachers Retirement System
For those in all other positions
Video Link:
Other Video Links:
Financial Planning “Retirement Pathfinder”: Retirement Pathfinder Video
Mobile Enrollment: Mobile Enrollment Video
How to update beneficiaries: Beneficiary Update Video
TRS/PSERS Education Video: TRS/PSERS Education Video
AIGRS website: AIGRS Website – AIG Retirement Mobile Access
Teacher Retirement System of Georgia
Members are enrolled in defined benefit pension plan for retirement.
Thinking of Retiring – TRS
TRS Benefit Retirement Options
How is your retirement benefit calculated? Your retirement benefit is calculated by using the percentage of salary formula. Simply stated, two percent is multiplied by your years of creditable service, including partial years (not to exceed 40 years). This product is then multiplied by your average monthly salary for your two highest consecutive years of membership service.
For more information, go to TRS Website
Download TRS forms
Contact Information:
Teachers Retirement System of Georgia
Two Northside 75, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30318
Public School Employees’ Retirement System of Georgia
Members are enrolled in defined benefit pension plan for retirement.
Thinking of Retiring – PSERS
ERS Benefit Retirement Options
If you qualify by years of service and age, PSERS provides lifetime retirement benefits, disability benefits, and death benefits. At retirement, options may also be chosen that can provide lifetime benefits to your beneficiary beginning at your death. The amount you receive is calculated by years of CREDITABLE SERVICE multiplied by a SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNT. The dollar amount is set by the Georgia General Assembly. The current DOLLAR AMOUNT is $16.00.
For more information, go to PSERS Website
Download PSERS forms
Contact Information:
Employees’ Retirement System of Georgia
Two Northside 75
Atlanta, GA 30318
State Health Medical
Upon termination, you will receive a letter from State Health advising of the COBRA premiums or you can call State Health (SHBP) at (800) 610-1863 for additional information if you are interested. You can also log into your account for details.
If you are not receiving a pension, you may consider COBRA from SHBP. If you will receive a pension that will cover your Medical premiums, you should verify your coverage is setup with your pension checks and being deducted. Your Medical Premiums will begin to be withdrawn from your second pension check.
TRS/PSERS deduct “month of” verses “one month in advance”. If you retire in May, your May paycheck will pay for June Coverage. You will get a June retirement check where Medical will not be withdrawn. Your July TRS/PSERS check should begin your SHBP Medical Premiums as a Retiree- review your pension checks for deductions; otherwise, you could receive a bill to cover any month(s) that were not deducted
Subsidy Policy Change
The Department of Community Health/ The State Health Benefit Plan updated the subsidy policy for anyone hired after 1/1/2007, or had less than 5 years of service or less on 1/1/2012.
See Calculator and Policy below:
(Annuitant Basic Subsidy and Annuitant Years of Service Subsidy Rates)
Retiree Medical Plan Information – Medicare
If you begin drawing an immediate pension upon retirement from Teachers’ Retirement System or Public School Employees’ Retirement System, you can maintain your existing medical plan until you reach age 65 and become eligible for Medicare.
For those retirees and spouses (if covered) age 65 or older, you must register with Social Security for Medicare Parts A and B 60 days prior to retirement; or turning age 65.
Complete Medicare enrollment online at or visit your local Social Security office There will be a “Request for Employment Information” form you will need to bring to the Benefits Office for completion.
Do not enroll in Part D, as Medicare Advantage contains this component. Enrollment in Part D or other Medicare supplemental policies will end your Medicare Advantage eligibility.
Contact SHBP at 1 800 610-1863 or log onto your account to report the effective date(s) of your Medicare Part A and B coverage. SHBP will accept this information as early as (90) days prior to retirement.
SHBP will use this card to verify eligibility for Medicare with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Once verified, you will be eligible for the Medicare Advantage Plans.
Medicare Advantage Plans are the only medical plans subsidized by SHBP once you turn age 65. If you remain on the Gold, Silver, or Bronze you will pay the full cost of the plan ($1,292-$3,167/month).
For more information on the Medicare Advantage Plans, please visit the State Health Website ( to review the SHBP Retiree Decision Guide and dates.
Immediately after retirement you will need to call SHBP at 1 800 610-1863 to choose a Medicare Advantage Plan. If you do not contact SHBP to choose a plan, your coverage will default to United Healthcare Medicare Advantage Standard Plan.
Retirement with 403(B) or 457(B)
June 24, 2021 Letter for Retirement Plan Changes
AIG Supplemental Retirement Plan Update October 1, 2021
ATTENTION PSERS COVERED EMPLOYEES** (Includes: Custodial, Maintenance, Nutrition, Transportation, Non Supervisory)
Effective January 1st, 2022 Bibb County School District will be matching PSERS eligible employees up to 3%, OPTING OUT WILL RESULT IN A LOSS OF ANY MATCH. If you do not contribute, you will not receive a match from the district. (See FORMS section for the Opt-Out)
Employees of Bibb County Public Schools have the option to contribute to an additional retirement account. This plan is in addition to the required TRS or PSERS Plan through The State of Georgia.
Start contributing now to 403(b) or 457(b) Retirement Plans – both available through pre-tax or after-tax (Roth) – The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company (VALIC) have been designated as authorized agents for retirement accounts through payroll deduction. This is an excellent opportunity to start saving early for retirement, in addition to Teacher’s Retirement or Public School Retirement.
Retirement Manager
After initially enrolling with a representative listed on the The District’s Universal Availability Notice, all 403(b) and 457(b) transaction updates must be made by logging onto or by contacting the District’s Third Party Administrator for Supplemental Retirement Plans, Arista Consulting Group, at (877) 434-7786.