2025 Annual Enrollment

September 16 – September 29 is Cobb County Government’s Annual Enrollment for benefits effective January 1, 2025.

Review the following Plan Information:

All employees are required to enroll each year; otherwise, will be defaulted to Employee Only for Medical Insurance.

Reminder: To add new dependents to Medical/Dental, you must submit verification documentation during the enrollment process.

Three (3) Ways to Enroll

  1. Face to Face:
    Enrollment Schedule for Dates/Times around The County
    Signup for The Learning Center
  2. Self Service:
    Register your account 
    Company Identifier is case sensitive:  CobbCo
    LOGIN after Registration
  3. Call Center:
    Monday to Friday 9AM until 5PM

Online Benefits Enrollment

Register your account 
Company Identifier is case sensitive:  CobbCo
Enter your Name exactly as Cobb County has you listed or you will receive a message: We cannot locate your records. Please revise your answers.

LOGIN after Registration

Supplemental Benefits

Aflac Benefits

New Hire Supplemental Benefits Presentation

Supplemental Benefits– New Hires and Existing Employees

AFLAC Interest Form – New Hires Only

Need Help?

Email: Houze Associates or Cobb County Human Resources

Do you have questions? 

Contact the Houze & Associates, Inc.
Monday – Friday, 9AM until 4:30PM (800-523-7135)

Looking to File a Claim?

Choose the Forms Link