Benefits at a Glance

Employees have the option to increase the group term life insurance on their Child(ren).

If both parents are employees of the school system, only one parent can cover the children, and an employee cannot be covered as an employee and as a dependent.


Additional Plan Benefits

Choose $10,000 or $20,000 on dependent child(ren).

Ochs/Minnesota Life includes Waiver of Premium, Accelerated Death Benefit, Portability and Coversion.

See Supplemental Life page for details.


Life Plan Summary

Coverage Cost
$10,000 $20,000
$1.30 $2.60


Live birth to 26 years; or physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support prior to attaining age 26

If an employee’s first eligible newborn child dies within 31 days of birth but prior to the employee enrolling for child life coverage, a benefit will be paid.

Certificate of Coverage

Employee Certificate of Coverage – Minnesota Life/Ochs 1/1/2019 – 12/31/2023