Benefits at a Glance

Effective July 1, 2024 the Dental Plan is with MetLife. 

Putnam County School employees have the option to select from two excellent Dental Insurance plans.

Employees can choose either the “High (Premier) Plan” or the “Low (Basic) Plan”. Benefits will be for the plan year running from July 1st to June 30th.

All dependents can be covered to age 26 regardless of student status.

Rates *

*Board of Education pays an additional $2.50 per month for each employee covered under the dental plan.

Elected Coverage High Option
Employee Paid
Low Option
Employee Paid
Employee Only $38.37 $33.02
Employee & Spouse $73.97 $63.86
Employee & Children $96.13 $75.55
Family $130.56 $106.43

Note: Rates are based on who in your family you wish to enroll. Premiums are paid on a “pre-tax” basis


Summary of Benefits

The “High Option” plan pays 100% preventative, 80% basic services, 50% major & adult/child orthodontic.

The “Low Option” plan pays 100% preventative, 60% basic services, 50% major.

Children can be covered to age 26.

A $50 per person deductible applies to all fees except preventative.

MetLife Benefits Summary

Plan Provisions

All eligible employees must choose between the High Plan, the Low Plan or choose to waive coverage. Whichever plan is chosen, the employee must remain in the same plan until the next Open Enrollment period.

Plan Design

Category Of Service High Option Low Option
PREVENTIVE PROCEDURES Cleanings, Exams, Space Maintainers, Fluoride for children (under age 16), X-Rays, Sealants, other preventive procedures 100% 100%
BASIC PROCEDURES Fillings, Anesthesia, Oral Surgery, Other Procedures, Periodontal & Endodontic Services 80% 60%
MAJOR PROCEDURES Crowns, Dentures, Bridges, Onlays,  Other Services 50% 50%
ORTHODONTIA PROCEDURES Adult & Children to age 26 50%
$1,500 Lifetime
Not Covered
DEDUCTIBLE (no deductible for preventative/diagnostic)
Basic & Major, Per Contract Year (7/1 to 6/30)
Family $150
Family $150
PLAN YEAR MAXIMUMS $1,000 $1,000

Resources & ID Cards

MetLife Effective July 1, 2024

Printable Generic ID Card

Find a Dentist:  or Call 800-438-6388 to have a list mailed.

ID Cards will be mailed in Mid-June for coverage starting July 1, 2024. You do not need a card for benefits; however, after July 1, 2024 employees can register and print an ID card online through (Search for Putnam County Public Schools) – REGISTER for your account first.

Employees can use the MetLife Mobile App – Search MetLife Dental from the APP Store

Certificate of Coverage

Through June 30, 2024:

Dental Certificate/EOC (both Low/High Options)

This plan is insured by:

Beginning July 1, 2024

High Option Certificate

Low Option Certificate