Coverage | Monthly Deduction |
Employee Only | $11.99 |
Employee & Spouse | $15.84 |
Employee & Children | $22.24 |
Employee & Family | $26.09 |
Continuation of Coverage
Employees can Port the Group Accident Coverage in the event participating employee leaves his/her employment, reduces hours at work, retires, or is otherwise no longer eligible for coverage under the policy and would like to retain their Voya benefits. These are also the forms that would be used in an event of an employee death or divorce where the spouse would like to continue the coverage on a direct bill pay basis with Voya.
Plan Design
This policy is an indemnity plan paying a specific benefit amount for:
- initial care such as ambulance, emergency room and hospitalization
- follow-up care such as outpatient doctor’s treatment and medical devices;
- injuries, including burns, dislocations and fractures;
- catastrophic accident;
- *It also has a “Sports Accident Benefit” which would increase a benefit by 25% if the accident occurred while participating in an organized sporting activity when injured.
*$50 Wellness benefit
Eligibility and Coverage
Spouse Accident Rider: Coverage is available to the spouse, as long as the employee is covered and the spouse is 18 through 70 years of age.
Children’s Accident Rider: Coverage is available to unmarried, natural, adopted or step children of the insured from birth through 26 years as long as the employee is covered. Age restrictions are waived for handicapped dependent Children.
Continuation of Coverage
Employees can Port the Group Accident Coverage in the event participating employee leaves his/her employment, reduces hours at work, retires, or is otherwise no longer eligible for coverage under the policy and would like to retain their Voya benefits. These are also the forms that would be used in an event of an employee death or divorce where the spouse would like to continue the coverage on a direct bill pay basis with Voya.
Certificate of Coverage and other Resources
Brochure of Benefits
See the Enrollment at a Glance for exact provisions and plan details.
Certificate of Coverage
Employee Certificate of Coverage
This is a limited benefit policy insured by: