Benefits at a Glance

Group Critical Illness Plan provides cash benefits when an insured person is diagnosed with a covered critical illness – and these benefits are paid directly to you (unless otherwise assigned) . The Plan provides a lump-sum benefit to help out-of-pocket medical expenses and the living expenses that can accompany a covered critical illness.  This plan is also H.S.A. compatible.


AFLAC Covered Conditions

Base Benefits Additional  Benefits
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) 100% Coma 100%
Sudden Cardiac Arrest 100% Severe Burns 100%
Coronary Artery Bypass 25% Paralysis 100%
Major Organ Transplant 100% Loss of Sight 100%
Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplant 100% Loss of Speech 100%
Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure) 100% Loss of Hearing 100%
Stroke (Ischemic or Hemorrhagic) 100% Rider Benefits 
Health Screening Advanced Alzheimers 25%
Employee & Spouse- Calendar Year $50 Advanced Parkinsons 25%
Benign Brain Tumor 100%

Wellness Benefit

Aflac  will pay the Wellness Benefit of $50 once per adult insured, per calendar year while coverage is in force.

Wellness tests examples are: Colonoscopy, EKG, Fasting Glucose, FPG, Stool Analysis, Mammogram, Pap Smear, PSA, Chest X-Ray, Blood test for triglycerides, etc.

Evidence of Insurability

Evidence of Insurability is a statement of the employee and/or spouse’s medical history, which will be used to determine if the applicant will be approved for the Critical Illness Insurance.

Employees who enroll themselves/spouses when first eligible or during an Annual Enrollment Period, will not be subject to Evidence of Insurability/Medical Underwriting.  Employees hired during the year will be eligible at the next Annual Enrollment period for coverage for Guarantee Issue. Employee/Spouse Coverage that is waived at the initial enrollment period and chooses to apply for Critical Illness at a later enrollment, may be subject to Evidence of Insurability.

UNUM Certificate of Coverage – Employee Booklet – Old Plan

Refer to the Unum certificate of coverage for definitions, details and exact policy provisions and limitations.

Critical Illness Brochure from Unum

The Wellness Benefit Flyer for filing a Claim – can be called in to Unum Customer Service 800-635-5597. There is no waiting period on this benefit.

Conditions covered under the plan for include:Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (25% of the full benefit), Stroke, End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure, Major Organ Failure, Permanent Paralysis as the result of a Covered Accident, Coma as the result of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Blindness, Benign Brain Tumor, Occupational HIV. Additional Covered Conditions for Dependent Children include:Cerebral Palsy, Cleft Lip or Palate, Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, and Spina Bifida

Plan Design

Aflac Critical Illness Brochure


Ages $10,000
EE or SP
EE or
EE or SP
EE or
18 – 29 $2.89 $4.29 $2.20 $4.50 $7.49 $3.00
30 – 39 $4.17 $6.85 $2.84 $8.05 $14.60 $4.78
40 – 49 $6.80 $12.10 $4.15 $13.33 $25.16 $7.42
50-59 $11.28 $21.06 $6.39 $20.91 $40.31 $11.20
60 + $18.52 $35.54 $10.01 $33.59 $65.67 $17.54

Benefit Options

Employees can choose a $10,000 or $20,000 benefit.

Children can be included for 50% of the employee amount at no additional cost.

Spouse coverage is available for $5,000 or $10,000, not to exceed 50% of the employee amount.

Guarantee Issue

Employees will receive $10,000 and $20,000 Guarantee Issue Coverage if enrolled when first eligible and during a subsequent Annual Enrollment Period. Actively at work employees may elect $5,000 or $10,000 of Guarantee Issue Coverage on their spouse (not to exceed 50% of the employee amount). Child(ren) can be included on the Employee’s coverage at no additional cost.


Portability allows an employee, who has been insured under the policy, to continue Group Critical Illness coverage at group rates when employment ends/retirement. An employee must apply for coverage and pay the first premium within 31 days of the continuation event.

Contact and Claims

File your claim online or via the MyAflac® mobile app.

Aflac Online Claims Filing, including Wellness Benefits.

You will need your personal certificate number to file the claim. Haralson County Schools Group Number is AGC 0000980250

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-433-3036, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time.