Benefits At a Glance
Cobb County Government offers employees Short Term Disability as a Supplemental, voluntary benefits.
0/7 Elimination Period 6 month benefit |
Rate per $100 monthly benefit |
Ages 18 – 49 | $1.68 |
Ages 50 – 64 | $1.80 |
Ages 65 – 74 | $2.28 |
0/14 Elimination Period 6 month benefit |
Rate per $100 monthly benefit |
Ages 18 – 49 | $ 1.08 |
Ages 50 – 64 | $1.26 |
Ages 65 – 74 | $1.56 |
Coverage and Benefit Period
Benefit period – Six (6) month benefit duration
Maternity Benefits – included as an illness- 6 weeks or 8 weeks caesarian
Pre-existing Limitation
Disabilities caused by a pre-existing condition or re-injuries to a pre-existing condition will not be covered unless it begins 12 months after the effective date of coverage. A pre-existing condition is an illness, disease, infection, disorder, or injury for which within the 12 month period before the Effective Date of coverage, medical advice, consultation or treatment was recommended or received or for which symptoms existed that would ordinarily cause a prudent person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment.
Short Term Disability Brochure
Instructions for Online Filing and Direct Deposit
Additional Information / Claims
Houze & Associates, Inc.: 1-880-523-7135 or 706-882-2864